If you're attempting to replicate scientific research, you're awesome

If you're attempting to replicate scientific research, you're awesome

Vox has an article up about the recent fraud by Michael LaCour in his "study" featuring gay canvassers.

It contains this tidbit about David Broockman who exposed the fraud:

Broockman was consistently told by friends and advisers to keep quiet about his concerns lest he earn a reputation as a troublemaker, or — perhaps worse — someone who merely replicates and investigates others’ research rather than plant a flag of his own.

I have to say that someone who "merely" replicates studies is super awesome in my eyes.  This probably stems from my interest in meta-science…science about science…but someone out there replicating research and making science better is my hero.

How the biggest fraud in political science nearly got missed
Why power dynamics and poorly designed incentive structures in science could have caused a recently retracted Science article to stay on the record.

  1. TIL that political is a science

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