Being better at math didn’t just fail to help partisans converge on the right answer. It actually drove them further apart. Partisans with weak math skills were 25 percentage points likelier to get the answer right when it fit their ideology. Partisans with strong math skills were 45 percentage points likelier to get the answer right when it fit their ideology. The smarter the person is, the dumber politics can make them.
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How politics makes us stupid
There’s a simple theory underlying much of American politics. It sits hopefully at the base of almost every speech, every op-ed, every article, and every panel discussion. It courses through the…
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+Seiji Shinobi
Mmm.. Wouldn't "problems that fit and accommodate your way of thinking are more prone to be successfully solved" and the percentage correlate to skills on math? I didn't read the article. I just read your comment and I hardly would reach your conclusions by what you stated.
+Facundo Jorge I have no idea what you're talking about. Â
I didn't say  "problems that fit and accommodate your way of thinking are more prone to be successfully solved" and those words aren't in the article.
I question the premise "good at maths" = "smart." It is a conceit of the more mathematically-abled to believe themselves "more intelligent." As this example shows, there are different kinds of intelligence—and having one kind doesn't automatically include others.
This is simply a symptom of confirmation bias.
It's nothing really new. People, no matter how smart they are, tend to notice things that confirm their theories more strongly than those that don't.
This is why it's important for scientist to follow the scientific method and to submit to peer reviews. Exactly to avoid this.
It's just the way the brain works. The human brain does a lot of heuristics (approximations of good answers). Most of the time, this leads to a quick response time with a pretty good level of accuracy. But sometimes, these shortcuts (that are actually hard wired in our brain, so it's 100% unconscious) lead us astray.
Nothing can be really done for that, except educating people to identify their biases and try to overcome them.
+Seiji Shinobi well because when a fucking Saber tooth is chasing you sitting down and do a meticulous analysis of the situation is not the best way to assure your survival 😛
+Sordatos Cáceres Who knows, if enough people did that, maybe we'd have tamed them. They'd make awesome pets…
Cat are assholes enough for their size.
Well, it's true that if cats where dog sized, we'd be dead meat.
But mostly due to all the feral cats. Domesticated cats are pretty chill fellas. They just don't work like dogs, they don't worship you just because you're human. You have to gain their friendship as you would with anyone else. And if they don't like you? At worse they'd just ignore you (which is rather benign).
I have a couple of friends that would say otherwise. Seriously there was this car that then the father entered the room and sat on his chair the car would run to his head and scratch the hell out of it (and the man is bald!)
I can't say for sure, maybe the cat was sick, maybe that guy used to enjoy throwing the cat to see it land on it's feet and the cat is getting back at him, whatever… But a normal cat wouldn't attack a human for fun, they are quite aware of the size and strength difference. And that a direct confrontation with a human is pretty much certain death for them.
Well we're hijacking this thread with cat talk…
But hey, that's the internet right?
(Maybe if we want to keep this up we should take it elsewhere lol)
+Seiji Shinobi than this the thing! I assure the man just ignored the cat, that why the situation was so hilarious, it was the ONLY person with whom the cat acted like that. 
BTW I'm sorry for derailing the subject, i confused the post for one of my own.