Game Elements PC Recoil gamepad drivers

Awhile ago I bought this cheap gamepad from WalMart and since then I had lost the driver CD. I had a difficult time locating a driver online, but finally did.

Update: The original link is now dead. I’m now hosting the file here.

Update2: Apparently AVG throws a false positive on this file. It’s not a virus, people. Feel free to use an online virus scanner to double check.

Update3: I can’t believe people are still downloading this file. Does anyone notice that this post was originally wrote over 4 years ago? What are the chances that the “Game Elements PC Recoil” you bought recently is even the same device that this driver was wrote for?

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  1. I don’t even think mine came with a cd, but no mater it worked with xp drivers right of the bat, it even works on ubuntu, although I had to edit the user.ini in ut2004 before it would work the way I wanted it to.
    haven’t tried it on vista yet, but i haven’t tried to install any games on vista either

  2. I bought this gamepad and it works on every game i own exept Halo. I just don’t get why it isnt working with all of your ROMS. My emulators are decent and the accept the recoil gamepad.

  3. BTW ‘MasterThief’ is my Halo name

  4. not long ago i purchased a game elements gge909 controller so i could play vice city on my computer. it worked fine for a while but now it seems that tommy has a mind of his own as far as where he wants to go. this also applies to driving and flying. i didnt spend very much for it so i guess i shouldnt have expected much from it. i thought at first it was just my controller gone bad but my friends son has the same controller and it is doing the exact same thing as mine. i would recomend saving your money and buying a better, more expencive controller.

  5. I just bought this gamepad at walmart, they used to sell logitech rumblepads which are far superior but they stopped selling them so i had to buy the recoil pad, it works ok, but theres no button to turn off the rumble feature and it stays on sometimes even when you pause games, so i just deleted the drivers, it seems to work better with the default xp sp2 drivers, although theres no rumble function, however i don’t like the rumble feature anyway and i’m sure it shortens the gamepads lifespan.

  6. I just found out that philips is the parent company of game elements, you can goto and they have the gamepads on their site, so i’m sure you can get drivers and support for them since they are still selling them.

    Thats the link for the page with the recoil gamepad. hope this helps

  7. I purchased one of these gamepads from Walmart because they didn’t have the Saitek brand controller that I have used with my PC for years. ( I had always bought the Saitek brand at Walmart. ) This controller, though it works, definitely does NOT have anywhere near the response of the Saitek pad. I cannot even approach any of my previous high scores using this product. My recommendation would be DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!

  8. Just picked one up myself from wall world for the Wifes` game. Ran across this site\thread trying to make sure we had the latest drivers. The pad was detected right out of the box and XP sp2 did install the drivers. However it would not function with her rather obscure game, Dungeon Lords. We installed the software and are now in the process of creating a Profile. The pad was cheap and she did not want to wait for me to mail order a good name brand. I will try to post back if we are succesful.

  9. make sure u have the box UNCHECKED for disable game pad/joystick

  10. capecitabine xeloda - trackback on July 22, 2007 at 1:34 pm
  11. i have installed this on vista vista recognized it put i cant get the rumble pad to work any help plz thyou

  12. Sorry. Just remembered to check back in. After some playing around (actually reading the instructions). She created a profile, custom assigning the pad buttons to her liking, it is working pretty good. Every once in a while it does become a bit unresponsive though. I believe it has to do with the USB plug. Just have not tracked it down to see if it is the female on the tower or the male on the game pad cord. We have had better game pads, but for the money this one is ok.


  14. Just bought this pad. I’m a nneeewwww-bie and want to say thanks. I have the driver, but windows XP Pro wouldn’t recognize the logo.
    All-Ya-All…be well

  15. i having hard time getting emulation to work for my recoil pad neone can help me i need find emulation program?

  16. does the driver have profile program??

  17. cause i downloaded it but all it says is unistall no other files

  18. I bought this damn thing for doom3 and quake4. when i try to use the up and down arrows on the directional pad instead of going say 12 clock when pressed up, the pad goes about 1 o clock making it very hard to run and fire a weapon while being accurate. it sucks. i went to the game controller in the control panel and when you don’t have the pov linked to the left analog stick and you press the up arrow on the directional pad, you can see the error. again instead of being at 12 o’clock its at 1-2 o’clock and down on the directional is the same way. anyone know if there is a better driver then the .2 version that’s comes on the install cd??? or possibly if there is a fix.

  19. Don’t use a gamepad for first person shooters. Keyboard + mouse is by far the best control mechanism.

  20. My right thumbstick is messed up up and down is left and right how do i fix that.

  21. Try re-calibrating it.

    Try to Recalibrate it. I purchased this stick a few years ago, and have never had a problem with it. By far the most versatile and dependable Joystick I’ve ever had in my 25+ years of gaming. Thing works great for Flying, Driving, Etc. And all you saying you can’t get it to work for the First person shooters, Why in the heck would you want to use a joystick for a first person shooter anyways?

  22. You rule! Simple as that. ^_^

  23. i have oblivion for the pc and i have the same game pad you have and i cant get it to work with the game can you help

  24. How do you get this thing to work with SNES emulators? Specifically snes9x? thanks

  25. Mine works with snes9. Don’t know the problem there. But anyway – long story short, the best thing about this gamepad is the cable.

  26. uhh im confused witht thiss..
    i tried clicking on the link you gave too us for it but i cant it wont lemme it says this page is unavailable and i need help soo please help

  27. Try reading the post again. You’re clicking the wrong link.

  28. I just bout the same gamepad figured i could get more control over movement playing a first person shooter.. If the keyborad and mouse are best for shooters ..what would you guys suggest is the best brand ..just getting mt feet wet with Quake 4 and High life 2…

  29. This controller is a piece of shit in terms of the cord. Mine broke so I took the controller apart and put a regular cord on it. Now I like it a hell of a lot better, plus it’s a lot lighter now that the big damn recoil device isn’t inside their. If anybody wants to change theirs, here’s how. On the board (looking at it with the back off) just snip those 4 wires. from right to left it goes…red, black, green, white. So if you have an extra usb cord or device that you can get the cord from the wires will be the same. Do some soldering and bada bing. I seen some ps2 to pc controller adapters out their…if I can figure out how to make one of those I’ll let you guys know. If you come across something send me an email at:

  30. I didn’t really like to use this controller for much besides racing or sports games until I found this program called Xpadder (google it). You can map out all the keyboard or mouse characters on your controller, and it even has our controller listed for presets. Not only do I find this cool for games, but sometimes I use it when for regular computer use. I would recommend you at least try xpadder out, and if you don’t like it with your games then hey, don’t use it. Later.

  31. Just came across this first search in google” top of the list dude” and anyway I am not having any luck running this pad with online games “2Moons, Conquer, Eudemons, and such like … so I tried Morrowind GOTY and Dungeon Siege … nothing … its in the reg and shows up and all and I calibrated and all that jazz but I may be missing some other trick. Can anyone help me here please … or did I buy a dudd … There has to be a way to reister these games and all others to the registery so that they recognize this controller … anyone know how to get hold of the manufacturer … no site listed anywhere on box or in instructions manuel. HELP PLZ.

  32. I keep getting told that the information when i try to install the driver it says: an error occured tryin to instal… information is invalid… what do i do to get past that? ive tried everything i can think of….. i have as my op windows xp an if i install the cd first then try to get driver from it it tells me: the driver installation file for this device is missing a neccessary entry. this may be because the INF was written for windows 95 or later. contact your hardware vendor. but it gives me 2 to choose from both say the same…. 1st driver is Game Elements Controller 2nd is game elements joypad mouse. can you please help me im tryin to use this to play halo for pc

  33. oops forgot to say email me at

  34. I have the CD for this pad. If you can email me and tell me how to zip this CD and send to you or upload it contact me at

  35. hey dose anyone have vista drivers for thhis thing. Im getting ready to downgrade to XP if I can’t get this running. i cant even get my games on vista (mostly my onboard graphics) but the thing cant if even the simplest of 3D gaming. Shouldd i just downgrade to XP or dose some one hav the drivers?

  36. in reply. from what I’ve seen there isn’t any drivers for vista yet (and there probably won’t be) From a previous reply someone said that vista should load the drivers automatically. if you get it in Control Panel and are able to see you button flash when you press them you know that the controller works. unfortunately this controller dos’nt work with many games so a suggestion would to be is to get the freeware program called Xpadder (Google it) it takes any keyboard or mouse command and can apply it to the game pad. so to use it go into your game and see what keyboard commands you what on ther game pad and go into Xpadder and put them to the button you want. As for the games in vista. not many old games will play but something to try would to be to right click the main game file and select properties, select the `compatibility tab` and select to work with Windows XP SP2 (this might work but i’m not 100% sure)
    i have the same controller and am running winXP Pro, Tt first some parts didn’t work right (serton game would not run) but i read this forum page and tried out the software minchind and rewired the usb cable (there crazy to put a cable like that on a game pad) so know it a pretty great game pad. unfortunately the vibration dos’nt work i think it a manufacturer defect be cause it didn’t work in the properties effect tab. after i rewired the usb cable the left moter work so i reopened it to see if i could get both to work and know nether of them work anymore. (lol) hey it’s a pretty good controller after you get all the bugs out…………. (extra note to previous comment: going back to WinXP on a vista might not work if you bought it in the store with vista preloaded on it. but if you upgraded to vista from XP you would be ok to go back) if you got it preloaded with vista you probably don’t have any drivers for XP in witch you would have a bad day reinstalling WinXP

  37. actully. i built this machine myself. I got vista for it and installed myself. I realy like to thank you for showing me Xpladder. It deteded my controller. Now i CAN play with some comfort of no keyboard andd wirelless mouse*(battery issues). well any thank you. I’l;l reply agian if I experice anymore problems.


  38. i wanna use it to play mame games. i have vista and it doesnt work

  39. I need the driver please email it to
    If you have a driver guild member ship user name and password you want to share please give. I”m being lazy

  40. HELP, anyone? I just bought this controller chose it over logitech because it had more buttons, like the esc and enter button which other controller don’t have, but after installing the cd or trying to install it I got the a (inif) error and it tolled me to unplug the conroller and then it did nothing, I don’t know if the software completed the install or if it’s missing some file fron the cd after the error. I tried a few games with it, the profiler came up, but the esc and enter button don’t seem to work with any games and games don’t have those buttons in the config menu. Now in the controller manual it says :
    The Esc button provides the same function as the esc key on your
    windows keyboard. Note:You must have installed the mouse and
    key profile editor software.This button is not MAC compatible.
    • The Enter button provides the same function as the Enter key on
    your Windows® keyboard. Note:You must have installed the mouse
    and key profile editor software.This button is not MAC compatible.
    • The Mouse button is used when the mouse and key profile editor
    emulation software is installed and it will activate mouse
    movement mode. Note:This button is not MAC compatible.

    WHERE is the mouse and key profile editor software????

    Any help would appreciated before I get pissed at the thing and return it to walmart, Thanks!!!

  41. # Zig Says:
    September 9th, 2007 at 3:57 am edit

    I need the driver please email it to
    If you have a driver guild member ship user name and password you want to share please give. I”m being lazy

    I’d say you’re being lazy…since the driver is linked at the top of this very page.

  42. not sure what I did, but all buttons are now working,GAME ON!

  43. EntrepreneurshavemorefunthanW2s

    This controller is okay. I’ve been using it for over two months and the buttons stick. It’s somewhat frustrating to have the buttons stick especially when the game keeps repeating the action tied to the button. I’m going to get an Adaptoid instead.

  44. thanks man….

  45. Hi, i have the wireless version from Game Element, and the cable from the receiver was so fragile, i broke it. I took a better USB cable from a old webcam, and surprise!!! On my Game Element receiver, the red wire represent the power ground and the black wire is the +5V (I always verify what i do before a job like this) The yellow wire is the shield, and it was connected with the red one, what a clue!!! this message is to warn anyone who want to do this too. TCHEK THE PINOUT CAREFULLY. Also, the solder quality is very bad, all SMT components was installed by hand by a cheap labor, and i’m shure that my grandma can do better with heated fork and plumbing solder wire! Enjoyyyyyyy

  46. haha! you da man!!! Cheers!

  47. If anyone has any questions regarding the Recoil GGE909, email me at with the title as ”RECOIL GGE909”, and I would be glad to help. I have figured out how to make this controller work as a mouse for the PC and how to make it work in most games.

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