Video from the ISS of the grounds of the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun in North Korea. Notice the little black blip turning the corner on the street or walking area…this is a video of people on the Earth from space!
(from: http://w4t.pw/f )
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This is probably not very surprising to anyone familiar with space reconnaissance technology. Also, the article incorrectly refers to ISIS as a "satellite" – it's actually a high-resolution camera (asking with a medium-resolution partner) mounted on the ISS.
What's sparkling? Sun glints?
Definition of satellite is an artificial object which has been intentionally placed in orbit.
The International Space Station qualifies.
It is amazing to see people from space, but military capability greatly exceeds this resolution
+David Andrews The ISS certainly qualifies; it is the IRIS camera that does not, despite what the article states.
+David Andrews – and BTW – that definition applies to an artificial satellite. The Moon is definitely a satellite, even though no one we know of intentionally put it there. 😉