Computer generates all possible ideas to beat patent trolls

Reshared post from +Ward Plunet

Computer generates all possible ideas to beat patent trolls

Alex Reben came up with 2.5 million ideas in just three days. Nearly all of them are terrible – but he doesn’t mind. He thinks he has found a way to thwart patent trolls by putting their speculative ideas in the public domain before they can make a claim. In his project, called All Prior Art, Reben, an artist and engineer, uses software to rummage through the US patent database, which is freely available online. The software extracts sentences from patent documents and splices them into phrases that describe new inventions. The result is a bizarre array of contraptions that don’t quite make sense. A robotic phone book. A nasal plug adorned with magnetic jewellery. 3D-printed soap that kills pests on strawberry plants. And one of Reben’s favourites – a temperature-regulating adult nappy with a built-in hood.

Computer generates all possible ideas to beat patent trolls
A project called All Prior Art generates millions of trivial ideas and places them in the public domain so they can’t be patented for profit

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