Compound keeps mice with ALS alive for 650 days instead of the 150 they normally…

Compound keeps mice with ALS alive for 650 days instead of the 150 they normally live.

It's nice that we spend so much time working on the health of mice!

(warning, auto-play video at link along with the article)

ALS: ‘Shockingly successful’ Copper-ATSM mice trials show first signs of prolonging life
Study could have discovered first motor neurone disease treatment that can prolong lives for more than weeks.

  1. What site does the link go to? isn't loading right now.
    Regarding testing on mice, it would be great if we had models good enough to predict human outcomes, but mice are some of the best models we have so far for certain drug types.

  2. Yes, I know why we use mice models, it was a joke.

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