I mostly don't post about politics, and I'm not starting here

 This post is related to my post earlier this morning about headlines and article content (https://plus.google.com/+DustinWyatt/posts/7uGhULeiW8b).

Vox headline:  *5 things to know about Democrats' stunning win in the Louisiana governor's race*
Second sentence in article:  *The outcome was predicted by the polls, but still counts as fairly surprising given the drubbing Democrats have taken in state politics, especially in the South.*

I dunno about you, but it seems to me that "stunning" is different from what that second sentence is describing.

5 things to know about Democrats’ stunning win in the Louisiana governor’s race
A real — but limited — sign of hope for red state Democrats.

  1. Stunning if you weren't paying attention and just assumed La=Republican maybe.

  2. #IHATEHEADLINEWRITERS    I hate hyperbole in headlines and have used this tag too much lately.  Bleh!

  3. Louisiana Governor Race - PubliNews - pingback on November 23, 2015 at 3:21 am

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