I created this from http://www.chmuraecon.com/blog/2015/october/06/the-graying-…

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  2. In a bizarre turn of events, the single most populated generation of America, born in the years 1945 to 1960 seems to be getting older as our current perception of the world goes further away from them on the timeline.

    Prompted for comment, people gave replies such as "oh, 1950 really was 65 years ago I guess" and "wait, time passes? I thought it was just like an RPG where nothing happens until you pass the next event flag"

  3. Truly they are the Greyest Generation.

  4. +Hjalti Leifsson The point is soon the population will be shrinking…

  5. +Tonia Hall it could be that the population may not shrink – life expectancy is likely to soar this century. I plan to live a couple hundred more years – born in '60 and still just a kid!

  6. +Cade Johnson Hehe, you have high expectations of the medical community. 😉

  7. I am rooting for a technological singularity in about 20 years. I expect to have nanobots in my blood in another decade or so that will carry reserve O2 to keep me going if I accidentally drown or have a heart attack – for an extra hour or so until I can get to medical care. Yes, it is goofy sounding, but makes me happier than expecting the status quo…

  8. In the meantime voting for the guy who wants to tax the rich to take care of the old might be a good idea.

  9. Well that map clears up who's going to take care of us when we're old and frail.

  10. +Hjalti Leifsson Um, the old are supposed to plan for their retirement, not mooch off of others…

  11. Like I was mentioning earlier about the singularity – I retired very early and now I have almost finished with my retirement. I still have a few more years to decide on the next career – guess I will go back to school around age 62 and hopefully graduate around 66, then put in another 15 or 20 years doing something serious. That should give me enough saving for a good quality machine-body upload I guess. Then maybe head off-planet.

  12. Demographics has a history of putting the lie to short term populist politics. For example, the stupidity around the immigration "debate" in the USA. In less than a decade, the US will be paying young people to emigrate here.

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