Vox has a nice article on how much weight to give different types of health stud…

Vox has a nice article on how much weight to give different types of health studies.

There are literally thousands of ways to design a study. When a news story suggests, "A new scientific study has found…" or a celebrity doctor begins a sentence with, "Studies show…", you need to ask, "What kind of studies?" Because "studies" are not equally reliable, they all have different limitations, and they should not be acted on in the same manner — or even acted on at all. Here's a quick guide to understanding study design that will help you navigate the often bewildering world of health research.

The one chart you need to understand any health study
Today’s study is just the latest word and must be interpreted in context of others.

  1. Most excellent. I wish they would still teach this in high schools in this country.

  2. +Mark Durham A couple of years ago, I wrote a report that revolutionary changed corporate practices, and significantly increased productivity, by mandating an evidence based decision making model.

    I used my daughter's Junior High School science textbook as the primary reference. I later tried to rewrite the report using no reference less than 100 years old (just to be a jerk).

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