Level 3 Communications all but calls out consumer broadband providers in the USA…

Level 3 Communications all but calls out consumer broadband providers in the USA.

It's a pretty great article with lots of behind the scenes detail about how broadband providers like Comcast connect to the wider internet and how they're deliberately harming the internet experience of their customers.

That leaves the remaining six peers with congestion on almost all of the interconnect ports between us. Congestion that is permanent, has been in place for well over a year and where our peer refuses to augment capacity. They are deliberately harming the service they deliver to their paying customers. They are not allowing us to fulfil the requests their customers make for content.

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Observations of an Internet Middleman – Beyond Bandwidth
We received a lot of positive feedback, as well as a lot of questions when Mike posted his recent story, Chicken. Many of the questions asked for more spec

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  1. Thanks for sharing this; it supports many long held beliefs.

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