Larry Lessig is creating a SuperPAC to end all SuperPAC's

My first inclination is that if you think money is ruining politics in the USA, then you should go donate to this ASAP.

Government has failed us. More than 90% of Americans link that failure to the influence of money in politics.

Yet the politicians ignore this influence. While America founders, they spend endless time with their funders.

These funders hold our democracy hostage. We want to pay the ransom, and get it back.

We're going to kickstart a SuperPAC big enough to make it possible to win a Congress committed to fundamental reform by 2016.

Embedded Link – SuperPAC to end all SuperPacs. Mayday for the Republic. – SuperPAC to end all SuperPacs. Join our effort to win a Congress committed to reforming the influence of money in Politics.

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  1. I'll give it extremely slim odds of success, but it's probably our last best hope before we're all reduced to serfdom or worse. 

    It also occurs to me that this is more or less analogous to the way that the English Parliament removed "rotten boroughs" in the 18th & 19th centuries. The Pitts, and later Lord Grey, leveraged a system of corrupt patronage as a means of reducing it. 

  2. Donated, or should I say pledged by donation. The money will only be taken when the pledge is over $1mil

  3. This is now 83% funded.

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