How to communicate between stars

If we want to communicate with other civilisations, it turns out that the laws of physics, the nature of interstellar space and a little common sense place surprisingly strict bounds on how this communication can take place.

My favorite bit:

In addition to this, says Messerschmitt, a good idea is to exploit the laws of physics and in particular Shannon’s mathematical theory of communication, which determines how much information can be sent to a noisy channel the certain power level. stop

Yes, to a noise channel the certain power level.  stop

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How to Design an Interstellar Communications System | MIT Technology Review
If we want to communicate with other civilisations, it turns out that the laws of physics, the nature of interstellar space and a little common sense place surprisingly strict bounds on how this communication can take place.

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  1. +Jason ON I did enjoy that article! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nice little article, thanks.

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