Phillip Plait writes in Slate about the current state of our search for Earth-ish…

Phillip Plait writes in Slate about the current state of our search for Earth-ish planets in other solar systems. 

We haven’t found a precise twin of Earth yet, but we’ve come mighty close. In fact, it’s likely that there are millions, perhaps billions, of planets like ours in the Milky Way alone. But right now, at this moment, we only know of one for sure: ours.

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We May Have Already Found Another Earth
One of the biggest questions in astronomical research right now is quite simple to ask but extremely difficult to answer: In the depths of space, is there an Earth-like planet somewhere orbiting a Sun-like star? The answer is rather surprising: almost certainly yes. We haven’t found a precise twin of…

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  1. Let's hope. In the meantime we act as if we are surrounded by aliens: blacks, white, fauna, flora, oceans, etc. How are we going to accommodate another planet?

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