This is the best explanation of how a piece of technology works that I've ever…

This is the best explanation of how a piece of technology works that I've ever had the privilege of watching.

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  1. Beautiful! Science at its best!

  2. I absolutely love these old technical videos. I'm not sure what organization or group created them, but they're amazingly thorough and present seemingly complex apparatus in a very simple and easy to understand manner. 

    This isn't exactly the same but I still love it. Discovery of different types of gears

  3. D'uh, it's written on the titlecard of the one Joseph posted ^^"
    Still thanks to +Hjalti Leifsson (nice name btw~)

  4. "Many films produced by the Jam Handy Organization were collected by Prelinger Archives and may be seen and downloaded at the Internet Archive." -wikiped

  5. I'm gonna be watching these all day.

  6. There goes my evening… ^^

  7. Yay, this one never gets old, but where's the rest of the synchronized motorcycle team!

  8. I've seen this probably five times and every time I watch it all the way through, think I understand it, then about an hour later realize I retained none of it leaving only the knowledge I had before ("Differentials allow wheels on an axle to turn independently of each other.")

    That's why I'm not an engineer.

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