Quora is always a great site for learning about stuff you never thought about be…

Quora is always a great site for learning about stuff you never thought about before.

This particular question was asked:

What are the most convincing bits of evidence which prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the Holocaust occurred?

I've never really encountered a Holocaust denier, but I'm, of course, aware they exist.  But the best answer to this question and the currently most up-voted one if you click through to the site goes in to a lot of detail that boils down to this:

No Nazi put on trial ever denied that it happened even though their life was at stake.

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What are the most convincing bits of evidence which prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the Holocaust occurred?
Answer (1 of 51): Over the years I have encountered and debated (if that’s the word) Holocaust deniers online on many occasions. As with debating many types of fanatics, this was never an exercise in…

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  1. besides the american soldiers who eye witnessed it?
    wtf are we talking about here?

  2. +mark montagna I take it you didn't click through and read…

    The deniers response to your question would be that no soldier saw millions of people killed.

  3. As the article states the Nazi regime were meticulous record keepers and they kept good written records on those murdered by the state, which included Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and political prisoners, although a lot of political enemies of the Reich were killed before the camps were started.

    According to the article, the USA captured many of the records although some were destroyed by Nazi's trying to hide their crimes.

    I despise Nazi's and Nazism, and I find myself incredulous at the rise of Nazism in Greece. I can only believe that these people are monsters or morons, or both.

  4. Desperate people turn to desperate measures.

  5. This, of course, leads to horrible, horrible things.

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