Pastries Are Dangerous (What About the Children?!?)

So, NOW it's come to this. A seven-year-old suspended from school for crudely fashioning his breakfast pastry into a gun-like shape and brandishing it in the most menacing fashion a gun-shaped pastry can be wielded.

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7-Year-Old Student Suspended For Waving Around A ‘Gun’ Made From A Pastry | Techdirt
So, it’s come to this. Oh, wait. I’ve already used that opening, back when I thought the pinnacle of guns-n-schools overreaction had been approached, if not actually surmounted. Let’s start again. …

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  1. Pop-Tarts are very dangerous. I once burned my lip on the hot lava filling.

  2. My son got a note from his German pre-school for making a gun like object from Legoes.  He was about five years old at the time.  I had wanted to ask about a knife like object or maybe a crossbow like object, but my wife asked me not to do that.

  3. an ex of mine broke a tooth on a poptart. ban that shit stat!

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