Game Elements PC Recoil gamepad drivers

Awhile ago I bought this cheap gamepad from WalMart and since then I had lost the driver CD. I had a difficult time locating a driver online, but finally did.

Update: The original link is now dead. I’m now hosting the file here.

Update2: Apparently AVG throws a false positive on this file. It’s not a virus, people. Feel free to use an online virus scanner to double check.

Update3: I can’t believe people are still downloading this file. Does anyone notice that this post was originally wrote over 4 years ago? What are the chances that the “Game Elements PC Recoil” you bought recently is even the same device that this driver was wrote for?

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  1. just bought this controller and it doesn’t work… says we need a bunch of different files like mouhid.sys …. what do i do???

  2. Daniel B Reynoso

    Here’s the GGE909 driver, I went through 2 gge908 controllers, the cord on both of them got cut somehow. GGE909 drivers are better. Rapidshare link to the GGE909 drivers :

  3. AVG Detects this as a Virus, Win32 PE/Patch, don’t download it !!

  4. That is a false positive. Test the file with any of the online virus scanners. AVG is wrong. Unless you mean the comment right before yours…as to that file I have no idea.

  5. hey, i got the 909 but i have vista. it installs but the mouse mode is not working. tried it on nfs carbon and it wont register. any tips

  6. i am unable to get the gge909 driver to work it will not recognize the usb driver i have xp sp2

  7. question how did you get it to work for vista i have been surfin the web for hours and can’t fin a compatible driver for this op. system

  8. Do you know if I can play fable with this? and I´m not able to save an specific info

  9. i need to know if i can use for playstation 2???????/ please respond

  10. Anyone know how to setup the GGE908?

  11. I have the driver, just don’t know how to setup the button functions.
    Can anyone help me out?

  12. I can’t get my analog stick to make my character walk in Battlefield: 1942. I’d like to program it so the left analog stick does this:

    UP: W
    LEFT: A
    RIGHT: D
    BACK: S

    Please e-mail any relevant info to

  13. i just got the crappy one from wallmart. im trying to play halo2 on my laptop but the buttons do the rong things

    please email help to

  14. i cant get my recoil pad to work for anything. i even re downloaded the drivers and cant get it to work. im playing call of duty 4 and only my weapons move around but nothing else

  15. I bought this stupid thing from wal mart and i have vista it says usb not recognized. pls email me

  16. I hate this controller it never worked. I am now trying to uninstall the program from my computer but it wont uninstall. It keeps saying could not open INSTALL.LOG file. I already tried to re-install the drivers and then uninstall…didn’t work. Can anyone help me? Thanks

  17. i have this game
    you know
    its called “warrock”
    but i cant seem to get the fps things right
    it wont work
    plz help

  18. i am trying to play halo2 (pc). i tryed configureing the buttons but when i do that it saves proberly and uninstalls its self

    please send any relevant info to:
    please make the subject: gampad help


  19. I found this controller at Wal Mart and I wanted to try it out on my N64 emulator. So I install the driver, configure all the controls, and try the the analog out… It’s absolutely horrible. The movement is really sensitive and stiff, and the controller like o jerk to the right when I’m not even touching the thing. I’ve tried calibrating the piece of shit and that doesn’t even help. What a fucking disappointment. DO NOT buy this controller is your asking for a decent analog stick.

  20. this controller the recoil sucks it wont download on my computer and noone at the stores seem to know anything about the product .what is up with your company i had a hard time even finding you on line please tell me what is going on with this controller..thank you

  21. # krissy Says:
    January 9th, 2008 at 8:09 pm

    this controller the recoil sucks it wont download on my computer and noone at the stores seem to know anything about the product .what is up with your company i had a hard time even finding you on line please tell me what is going on with this controller..thank you

    This isn’t the website of the company who made the controller. I’m just some random guy who had a hard time finding the drivers for the controller myself, so when I found them I put them up on my website.

    Reading comprehension. Learn it.

  22. # smoornAssaump Says:
    January 10th, 2008 at 6:22 am edit


    What does “subj ?” mean?

  23. Anyone find Vista drivers yet? If so post a link to a download please.

  24. where can i get a vista driver for this??? someone please post a link!!!!

  25. Sweet, been looking for an hour

  26. i have recoil pc control pad iput the cd in and it starta to download but it stops becouse it says that i dont have a infins~! chip idont know what a infins~! is so what do i do to fix it if any can help please lat me know

  27. i have the same controller and i cant get it configured in aa…[americas army] if any one can help i would be really happy

  28. I bought it today to use with Gun-but can’t figure out how to set it up -How do you program this? I got no insructions in writing. Does this work or am I wasting my time?

  29. Yeah how do u make the left stick to make u move email me or comment back thanks,

  30. does ant one know how to play a game with it i try to play rainbow six 3 raven sheild with it it dont let me use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. this controllerr sucks with halo 2 i can’t get it to work

  32. says USB Device Not Recognized no matter what. this is going to my trash bin. guess ill buy a diff one.

  33. What about Macs? When I try to start the .exe application on my Mac OS X, it says, “MZê

  34. …This program cannot be run in DOS mode.

  35. thank you v

  36. thank you very much

  37. i cant get this controller to work in Crysis at all …can anyone help…Thanx

  38. From what I’ve read, Crysis does not currently support any type of gamepad setup and the gamepad option is grayed out. You always have the option of using the controller’s software to define keyboard buttons to gamepad buttons, but you’re only able to use 1 analog stick in place of the mouse. I tried using the controller for Crysis and found it way easier to just use the keyboard and mouse.

  39. Yeah, I went to the file and downloaded it and it had a virus. Thanks Pal

  40. Jesus, people. Learn to use the internet. Virus scanners throw false positives all the time. There’s a bajillion virus scanners for you to use to double check the file.


  41. no virus on this at all thank you for your help

  42. does this gamepad work with the godfather from EA?? cause where it has the highlight for calibrate i click it and it doesnt do anything….i cant get it to work…..?

    anyone know anything about this?

  43. tefryjethrohobab

    this is slightly off topic but it is about making this thing work, so…
    i got the gge909 a short while back and was rather disappointed in the poor quality of the analog stick movement as i have seen many here complaining about. My d-pad also has the same prob. these controllers do not seem to have been built in a clean environment and are thus dirty even brand new and in need of a good cleaning. here’s how:
    1.)carefully take it apart
    2a.) to clean the analog sticks put 1 drop of sewing machine oil on the center hub of each of the 4 POTs (2 on the sides of either stick). then move the sticks around a lot to work it in.
    2b.) to clean the d-pad use a standard pencil eraser and lightly clean the contacts both on the board and the rubber button pads.
    3.)carefully re-assemble, making sure not to crush the ribbon cables.
    mine works great now. just like a new game pad should 🙂

  44. i bought this controller, and guess what dosent work im telling you this has been the worst thing i have bought. If you looking for an actual good pc controller go with saitek. Seriously i had one which i lost dont know how thats even possible. I went back to wal-mart looking for it and nope, but no i bought this one, big mistake 4 button the other is 6 which is better. So i tried to connect this and guess what dosent work with my pc. Honestly the only good thing about this is just wasted money, which its not great.

  45. Thanks for that link to the driver. I bought this too at Wal-mart. When I tried to install it, I get a “corrupt” driver message. So now I’ve installed the one you provide. All is good. Thanks, Janna

  46. Thats for the virus.. Win32/PEPatch

  47. Nice job reading.

    There’s no virus as has been mentioned multiple times in the comments AND in the original post! AVG throws a false positive on this file for some reason.

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