Tag Archives: biology

Smallest rotary motor in biology, the ATP synthase

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Smallest rotary motor in biology, the ATP synthase

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#science #Biology #Microbiology  

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eXtreme bacteria action!

Extremophiles are interesting because they’re eXtreme!

Ars Technica has a summary of recent work looking into one of the extremest of the extreme.

Faced with this evidence, it was fair to wonder just where the outer edges of survival might be. We may have a hint of that from samples taken from deep in South African mines, which show that life can make it nearly three kilometers down, but it’s far from the thriving communities we find in other extreme environments. In fact, it looks like the bacterial “community” in the mine may be comprised of a single species.

Sharks and Mary, Mother of Christ. What do they have in common?

Sharks own. I would like to see a ninja, a pirate, and a shark battle it out. I think that even if the shark lost the battle, it would win the war because it can have children without having a mate!

Scientists have confirmed the second case of a "virgin birth" in a shark. In a study reported Friday in the Journal of Fish Biology, scientists said DNA testing proved that a pup carried by a female Atlantic blacktip shark in the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center contained no genetic material from a male.

Embryo development video

Wired has a neat time-lapse video showing a fish embryo developing during it’s first 24 hours. I’ll post the video below.  If you want to read more about what’s actually happening head on over to the brief description they provide.

With a newly developed microscope that uses a sheet of light to scan a living organism from many different dimensions, scientists were able to track the complex cellular organization of a zebrafish embryo as it grows from a single cell to 20,000 cells.

Time-Lapse: Zebrafish Embryos Developing

DNA could reveal your surname

This seems quite crazy, but if it works it seems like it would be quite a tool for law enforcement.

Scientists at the world-leading Department of Genetics at the University of Leicester – where the revolutionary technique of genetic fingerprinting was invented by Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys- are developing techniques which may one day allow police to work out someone’s surname from the DNA alone.