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Category Archives: Google+ - Page 3
OpenAI shows results of self-play AI training
It's always so disappointing to me when I see science news sources repeating…
…most recently encountered in all these stories about how we can't be living in a simulation because of reasons.
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Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing…
– C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
I was recently linked yet again to an essay I've read multiple times over the…
For me, the money quote is this:
If you believe everything you're supposed to now, how can you be sure you wouldn't also have believed everything you were supposed to if you had grown up among the plantation owners of the pre-Civil War South, or in Germany in the 1930s—or among the Mongols in 1200, for that matter? Odds are you would have.
I'm not doing much musing in this post, but hopefully reading the essay will prompt some musing.
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What You Can’t Say
January 2004. Have you ever seen an old photo of yourself and been embarrassed at the way you looked? Did we actually dress like that? We did. And we had no idea how silly we looked. It’s the nature of fashion to be invisible, in the same way the movement of the earth is invisible to all of us riding on …
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Did Ancient Romans identify styles of clothing and whatnot with decades much as modern…
If I look at the 1960’s, I can see a distinct style of fashion and furniture, as I can with the 70’s, 80’s, etc. Did ancient Romans have the same change of domestic tastes every decade, or did trends change on a slower basis? • r/AskHistorians
3572 points and 49 comments so far on reddit
A meta-analysis shows that many people get just as much help from self-help as they…
We identified a total of 15 studies (commencement N = 910; completion N = 723) meeting inclusion criteria. We found no difference in treatment completion rate and broad equivalence of treatment outcomes for participants treated through self-help and participants treated through a therapist. Also, contrary to our expectations, we found that the variability of outcomes was broadly equivalent, suggesting that differences in efficacy of individual therapists were not sufficient to make therapy outcomes more variable when a therapist was involved. Overall, the findings suggest that self-help, with minimal therapist input, has considerable potential as a first-line intervention. The findings did not suggest that individual differences between therapists play a major role in psychotherapy outcome.
Understanding the Therapist Contribution to Psychotherapy Outcome: A Meta-Analytic Approach
Understanding the role that therapists play in psychotherapy outcome, and the contribution to outcome made by individual therapist differences has implications for service delivery and training of the
A list of unpopular or fringe-ish ideas about social norms.
It should be considered shameful to earn more than $100,000/yr and not give everything above that to charity
To the one about privatizing marriage:
We should privatize marriage. Let anyone marry whomever and however many people they want — just draw up a contract to define the terms of the relationship(s) as you choose. There’s no good reason for the government to be involved in this.
To the extremely relevant one about leaders cognitive ability:
People in senior positions should continuously have their cognition tested, to monitor possible decline of fluid intelligence, alertness and judgment.
Unpopular ideas about social norms
I’ve been compiling lists of “unpopular ideas,” things that seem weird or bad to most people (at least, to most educated urbanites in the United States, which is the demographic I…
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A dire paper based on a 3D simulation of the CO2 and solar effects on water-rich…
Transition to a Moist Greenhouse with CO2 and solar forcing
Water-rich planets such as Earth are expected to become eventually uninhabitable, because liquid water turns unstable at the surface as temperatures increase with solar luminosity. Whether a large increase of atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases …
Going to post a bunch of links I stole from Scott Alexanders recent links post.
Links 8/17: Exsitement
Hackers encode malware that infects DNA sequencing software in a strand of DNA. Make sure to run your family members through an antivirus program before ordering genetic testing. Every time I feel …