Thankfully, the Canadian government is prosecuting them.
What really struck me about this article was this:
David has dubbed the proceedings a “vaccine trial,” claiming the Crown represents the “vaccine agenda.” He says authorities are “looking to create the legal precedent through the court system that when a child falls ill, parents who chose not to vaccinate have a greater onus to seek mainstream medical attention sooner than parents that do vaccinate, and if any harm befalls the non-vaccinated child from an illness that there was a vaccine for, the parents can be held criminally liable.”
So, like….yeah, that is the point. It's like a rapist saying "the government is just trying to set a precedent that people like me have to not rape other people".
A toddler got meningitis. His anti-vac parents gave him an herbal remedy. The toddler died. Now his parents are on trial.
“There’s nothing in the world that will bring him back,” David Stephan said of his late son, Ezekiel. “What good could possibly come out of this?”
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idiots….poor child died due to the stupidity of his parents
They automatically enter in the Darwin awards contest, bunch of imbeciles.
Ya know, maybe more of these full-blown trials will be good. I wonder if they'll present the Interwebs as a reason they reasonably thought an herbal treatment was going to be effective. Or the interwebs as a reason to doubt Big Science.
Knowledge is good, but there is a TON of crap out there that's basically just echoes bouncing around the echo chamber and society is going to have to be able to figure out what's real and what's not.
Edit: Actually, scratch all that. Probably way too meta.
+Eric Pouhier technically they didn't enter the Darwin award contest, for the pedantic reason that the one who died was the child, and it didn't choose its parents.
But I agree the parents got a major wake-up call from reality, since the laws of the universe don't care if you are stupid.
Since when is there a vaccine against meningitis?? There isn't!
Is there a vaccine for meningitis? It is certainly cured by antibiotics. Anti-vaccine people are terrible in general but these people let their child die because they were anti-medicine/science
+Tonia Hall or +Sophie Melich I must have missed it…did someone claim there was a meningitis vaccine?
+Dustin Wyatt The headline did.
+Tonia Hall I don't think that's what the headline says.
One could argue a Darwin award emeritus, as they successfully removed their legacy from the gene pool 🙁 . I would try to find this as a silver lining, but this kind of meaningless deaths won't prevent stupid in the future.
Thimerosal is the primary anti vaccine argument. Thimerosal free vaccines are the answer. Demand them!
+Dustin Wyatt "Anti-Vac parents let child die!" Um, yeah. What does their choice on vaccines have to do with the meningitis? ZERO.
As it mentions in the article and as quoted in my post, the parents themselves are making it about vaccines.
And even if they weren't it's an accurate description of their position on vaccines and it's a relevant fact as the issue of the government taking action against parents for parents being negligent with their child is even more in the zeitgeist with regards to vaccinations than herbal remedies.
Regardless of all of that, the headline is an accurate description of reality, so I'm not sure what you're complaining about.
Imagine it's like if some racist goon robs a store, gets caught by the police, and then at every chance goes on about how black people are ruining America.
Is it wrong for an article about the robbery and how racists are a problem to have a headline mention that a racist robbed a store?
+Tonia Hall​ – you mean this vaccine against meningitis?
+Dustin Wyatt the part of the article you quoted seemed to imply the link to this case (meningitis) and vaccines.
I think these parents are terrible and deserve to be in court over their neglect
It just is good to be clear about this stuff when talking about it because both not vaccinating and not taking your children to doctors when they are sick is truly horrible.
To be fair, the parents are the ones who made this about vaccines, as the quote makes clear – although it is actually about despicable parenting choices based on no research and erroneous non-evidence based beliefs.
Also, the clickbait headline didn't help.
+Cod Codliness That's actually good news that they now have a vaccine for one form of meningitis. It's very new, which is why I didn't know about it. Thanks for that.
This article, however, doesn't say what type he had (there are many different types).
Yeah, here in the UK, it is given to all babies under 1, but it's only been available that way for a few months.
There's been a MenACWY vaccine for a while though, although, in the UK, it's not been recommended for wide usage, with the MenC vaccine being given instead – that's now changing with the rise in MenW cases.
Now, with the MenB vaccine, there's only the X strain that doesn't have a vaccine. The B and C serogroups have pretty much always been the most common versions though.
"“There’s nothing in the world that will bring him back,” David told the Calgary Herald. “What good could possibly come out of this?"
Retarded logic. Convicting killers won't bring back the dead, but they do it anyways.