I somewhat often come across theists on the internet complaining about atheists loudly denouncing religion…and I'm sympathetic to this argument if only because atheists can be irritating to listen to.
But. I'm always reminded of the movie They Live (https://goo.gl/7L5psi) with the atheist in the position of John Nada in the film.
If you put yourself in the shoes of someone like the drifter in They Live or the atheist who believes religion is a big lie, it should at least inform your thoughts about the atheist who chooses to speak his mind.
You may think they're wrong, but your irritation should at the very least be tempered by the knowledge that a person who believes as they do certainly isn't a off their rocker merely for raging at the machine.
that looks like Charlie Sheen's eye?
What it's all about, is all religions are based upon faith. Â That means you make it up in hopes it's true. Â Faith requires no science.
And science made these words possible. Â Not Santa.
Faith requires denial. Â Children believe in the tooth fairy and santa (who according to Ms. Kelly is white). Â Isn't that amazing horseshit?
I can't speak for those that don't believe, but believers need everyone to believe the same thing. Â Â ….cause it's made up. Â it's a construct to help us deal with the fact that we are mammals and organisms and we die, for ever, and other's take our place.
That is also why we kill other religions off.  The construct is useless unless everyone believes it.  It's a house of cards.  Take out one and they all  fall down.
This is what I believe about all this insane stuff:
             Pueblo Poem
      "We are not important.
      Our lives are simply threads…
      pulling along lasting thoughts,
      Which travel through time that way."
Great flick saw it in theatres as a teen with the group of friends. We still talk about this as adults reminiscent to the old days.