It seems to me that there's a huge gulf between "rarely" and "never"…

It seems to me that there's a huge gulf between "rarely" and "never" and it's a little odd that they're lumped together.

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  1. The existence of a huge gulf may be more true in the US than in Pakistan.

  2. Yes, I think that's probably/possibly the case.  I think I was commenting on the fact that that was problematic and something I would have a hard time coming to grips with.

    It's difficult for me to grasp how someone who thinks honor killings are "never" ok would group themselves with those who think that there are rare occasions where they are ok.

  3. Pakistan is not very far from its tribal cultural roots. And unfortunately it is probably going to be a generation or more before they progress.

  4. And one more thing to think about.
    they have NUKEs.
    as long as the sane ones are in power. every one is going to fine.

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